Saturday, February 23, 2013

Valentines, dogs and new kicks

My dear sweet mother got me a sewing machine! I was very excited to get it! It was a fun little surprise! I have been trying to find small little projects to keep me busy until i can get stuff together for a bigger project. 

I have made a lot of infinity scarfs and mailed them to everyone! They are fun and super easy (and a lot cheaper) to make! 

I made this cute little valentines garland for my mantel. We also repainted! Finally...

We are planning on redoing our bedding so I've started making the pillows! I love how this one turned out!
For Valentines this year we were kind of lame. Brady had to work all day and then I had to work at night. We didn't see each other until 8 at night! 
I woke up early with him and made cinnamon rolls. I attempted to made them in a heart shape. Sadly they resembled boobs more than hearts once they were cooked. I guess it was the thought that counted. Ha! I also got Troggie and Nastia a little valentine. They got these adorable stuffed animals for them! Growing up my mother always got us some sort of Valentine surprise. I want to keep that going!   


Brady just got some new running shoes! He pretty much ran the soles off of his old shoes. He saved a whamping 50 something dollars on them! Go Brady!!!!! Troggie decided to try them out... Nastia decided to photo bomb the picture..... I love it. 

Well folks.. There you have it! This is as of lately in the Lemons household! Until next time!