Monday, September 30, 2013

Garland fun!

Scrap fabric Garland
I stole this Idea from a friend of mine. It was such a good use of all of my 
extra fabric that I couldn't resist! 

It is for sale on my Etsy shop but I just might end up keeping it for myself! There are a lot of decorating usages for this puppy! 
Speaking of Puppies..... I decided to take a break from studying today  and go for a run with the dogs. Well it just so happened that Trogdor didn't want to run to save his life. Nastia and I had to drag him. He didn't like that very much and ended up peeing ALLL over Nastias face. Ewwww... Needless to say, they both got baths when we got back home. 

Life in Colorado is good. Some days are really cold and our house is always cold. It is a really nice change of pace from cooking our butt off every second. School is going well. I have two tests on Thursday so this week will consist of a lot of studying! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Halloween Pillows

Here are my latest Holiday Pillow covers! I have so much fun making them! Who knew I would love fabric so much!?

(sold out)

Check out my Etsy shop, Suggalemons

Friday, September 6, 2013

The last adventures of Bama

 Our last two weeks in Alabama were crazy... Seriously So many things happened all at once. My parents came out on Aug 1 and helped us pack up most of the house! We did get to do a lot of fun thing though!
     Ever since we got to Alabama I had wanted to go to the Pebble Hill Plantation in GA.  It was such a cool plantation! It was used as a hunting plantation so it was really different compared to all of the other plantations I have seen.


I also have always wanted to go fishing off the the pier at Panama City Beach! It was so cool to watch everyone catch all kinds of fish! Dad and I both caught one! The winner of the coolest catch when to my dad. He caught the fish by wrapping the fishing line around the fishes tail! Ha!


Fishing was a good compromise for my parents. My dad hates water but my mom wanted to go to the beach! 

Brady had a LOT of out processing stuff to do (Thank you army for not getting us orders until the last second) so me and my parents killed some time by going to the Botanical Garden in Dothan.
It was really cool! There were theses MASSIVE banana spiders on almost every tree. Plus there was like 6 in each web! I made my mom be brave and stand behind the spider and put her hand behind it so I could get a good picture. When the spider decided to move we may or may not have screamed like little girls!

On the not so creepy side here is a picture of the butterfly garden! 

Next came family day at the air field. Brady got to show us around the hawk!  


A few hours after family day was the ball! This was a really cool ball for us because both of our parents got to come too! Dave and Linda literately got off of the air plane 40 minutes before it started! They made it just in the nitch of time.

The next morning was Brady's graduation! Sadly, I didn't get very many pictures! But It was really cool to watch Brady graduate! He worked so hard and deserved this SOO much! So proud of him!


Right after graduation we headed down to Panama City Beach to go on a air boat swamp tour! We also got to meet Bubba! He is a gator that thinks he is a dog. He just wanted his owner to hold him! Weird right?  

Oh did I mention that this crazy day was also our 2nd Anniversary? So in order to celebrate our anniversary we went to J Micheal's for dinner! We wanted to go there because that is where we celebrated our 1st anniversary.  
My parents took off the next morning! 
Dave and Linda helped us finish packing up the house. Then we headed down to Destin Fl for a night! We stayed in a awesome hotel! It looked like a old huge southern mansion! I didn't take very many pictures on my phone. I will have to put up the other pictures when i get them developed.  We had a lot of fun boogie boarding!

While we were in Destin we went to a restaurant called McGuires, an Irish pup with AMAZING food! They had over a million one dollar bills hanging from the ceiling and walls!

We also had one last get together with some friends! We made so many good friends in Bama! I really do miss them SO much!!! 

The morning we were leaving for Colorado we found this GIANT turtle! We also said good bye to Libby and Eddie! We miss them a lot too! 

I never thought I would miss Alabama! We had a lot of great adventures that I most likely would have never gotten to experience other wise. Roll Tide! 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sweet home Colorado

Brady and I finally made it to Colorado! It was a LONNNG drive from Alabama. Brady had to drive the Penske and I had to drive my car. The dogs slept most of the time. 

Are we there yet? 

Once we finally made it to Colorado we stayed with Brady's friend Brandon until we found a place to live. Brandon is Brady's friend from basic training! He has two mini Dachshunds, Mr. Chuckles and Lance. Lance loves to give kisses... So many kisses...

We were lucky to find a great place fast!

This is our lovely home! It is about the same size as our house in Alabama. It feels bigger because it has two stories. Speaking of our house in Alabama... We have a renter in there now. I hope that she takes care of it just like I would! Anywho! One of my favorite things about our new house is that the living room/kitchen is purple! They must have known that I am a sucker for purple!!!

Since we got here we have mainly been unpacking and I have been getting all my school stuff together. However, today we got to go play and explore a little bit. We took the pups and went to the Garden of the Gods! It is called the Garden of the Gods for a reason! It was sooooo pretty!


Colorado Springs is a HUGE city! Brady and I both were shocked about how big it is! It is kind of nice after living in podunk Alabama. We were excited to find a Fazolis!  I was very sad when the Fazolis in Utah went out of business! 

I am sure we will have a lot of adventures to come! Stay tuned for updates!!!!