Monday, September 30, 2013

Garland fun!

Scrap fabric Garland
I stole this Idea from a friend of mine. It was such a good use of all of my 
extra fabric that I couldn't resist! 

It is for sale on my Etsy shop but I just might end up keeping it for myself! There are a lot of decorating usages for this puppy! 
Speaking of Puppies..... I decided to take a break from studying today  and go for a run with the dogs. Well it just so happened that Trogdor didn't want to run to save his life. Nastia and I had to drag him. He didn't like that very much and ended up peeing ALLL over Nastias face. Ewwww... Needless to say, they both got baths when we got back home. 

Life in Colorado is good. Some days are really cold and our house is always cold. It is a really nice change of pace from cooking our butt off every second. School is going well. I have two tests on Thursday so this week will consist of a lot of studying!