Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Don't miss out on getting your Suggalemons Valentine's Pillow covers. Right now you can use coupon code SUGGALOVE for 15% off. Offer valid until Feb 14.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Valentines Day and more

Suggalemons was on fire during Christmas! I knew things would slow down a little but I was hoping that things would stay busy. So, I was inspired to make some cute Valentines decor. 


Here are the latest pillows to join Suggalemons

More to come!

Wrapping up 2013

     Well folks, It has been a while since I actually wrote about life. I will apologize in advance for how long this post will be. We have been settling in and really starting to enjoy Colorado. August was a month of settling in, starting school and exploring. Colorado is home to the Olympic training center. They give free tours to the public. It was really cool to see where dreams are put into action.


      September was much more exciting. If you know my dad, you know he is a collector of many different items. For the last few years he has been collecting barbed wire. Did you know that there are barbed wire shows? Neither did I until he starting going to them. Well at the first of September there was a barbed wire show just a little south of Colorado Springs so my parents came to visit/ drop my mom off while he went to the show. The weather was really crazy during this time. Colorado had so much rain that practically everything flooded. Mom and I went to check out Manitou Springs, a fun little hippy town, and we were shocked from all of the damage done by the flood. We saw people hiking up to check out the damage, so we decided to follow the crowd.

                                                            Incredible right!?
        We also checked out the cliff dwellings above Manitou Springs.

         In October, my cousin Holly and her husband came out to pick up an engine for his car. I got to meet their daughter, Brielle, for the first time. She is WAY to cute for her own good. She was about the same size as Nastia ha! 

 Brady's mom came to visit. She was here on her birthday, which happens to also be Halloween. We had a mini birthday party and went to a haunted house. Another fun thing we got to do was go a Boise State vs. Colorado State football game. If you know Brady, then you know that he is probably the biggest Boise State fan. We have always talked about going to a game in real life so it was a fun experience. Next on the list is going to a home game!

Linda was also kind enough to take our family pictures for our Christmas card! I LOVE how they turned out.

           The first of November was a rough time for me.  I had to take a test called the HESI, it is required to get into the nursing program at UCCS. I didn't know about the test until two months before the test. Ugggh.... Imagine trying to cram three years worth of knowledge into two months. It was a terrible experience. Fortunately, I passed the test with a 84%. Unfortunately, I knew as soon as I saw my score that I didn't get into the nursing program. I bawled and threw myself a pity party that day. Finishing my education has become a fight. I am always fighting...and I feel like I am always losing. It is the most frustrating feeling that I have EVER felt!! I want to scream and then punch someone in the face. HA. I am hoping to retake the HESI  and hopefully get in this time. I will also be applying to other universities. 
      Besides the disappointing news about the nursing program being confirmed, December was actually really great. We got to go home for Christmas this year. We spent Christmas at my parents house so we could talk to Dante on Skype.  After Christmas we headed up to Idaho to spend some time with Brady's family. New Years Day is Brady's birthday, so every year we not only ring in the new year but celebrate Brady's birthday at midnight!        
           This year was special. Brady wanted to go the Targee on New Years Eve and ring in the new year by snowboarding down the mountain in the dark with torches (sounds like a terrible idea right?).It was pretty much awesome!!! Targee is a fantastic resort!!! I wish that we could go there every day! My favorite part of the day was hiking up to Marys Nipple and getting to boarding down a practically untouched mountain covered in fresh powder! Amazing! (Sorry for the excessive use of explanation marks. I just got really really excited.)

      When we moved to Colorado we set a goal to compete in a bodybuilding competition! It has been a lot harder than i ever imagined it would be. Dragging your sore body to the gym almost every day is not a easy thing to do. The hardest part for me is controlling what I eat. I am the type of person that is addicted to anything that is sweet and involves chocolate.  I am shooting for a Bikini competition in May. It might be a little bit soon but I know I can do it! I am really really excited! I am thankful to have Brady for motivation. 
2013 was a year full of new experience and adventures! It was such a fun year and I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for Brady and I.  <3